If you go to my website listed below, then select "Other" column. You will
find a self-paced physics that I developed and used for 15 years using the
PSSC 5th Edition physics test.
This is free to anyone who wants to use it.
Not sure if this is what you are working for but shared anyway.
Best wishes
Helping teachers who facilitate, motivating students who learn.
Dick Heckathorn 14665 Pawnee Trail Middleburg Hts, OH 44130 440-710-4941
New Web Site:
Retired Physics Teacher - Wharton, Midpark, Cuyahoga Valley Christian High
Baldwin Wallace Univ and Merchant
Taylor School Crosby England
Physics is learning how to communicate with ones environment so that it will
talk back
-----Original Message-----
From: Phys-l [] On Behalf Of Daniel V.
Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2015 11:09 PM
Subject: [Phys-L] textbook prices
I recently wrote a blog article about physics textbook prices that may be of
interest to some on this list:
The article includes a link to a Google spreadsheet listing 135 books, from
sophomore to first-year graduate level, and their current prices.
I'm astounded that Cengage now charges $400 each for some books. On the
other hand, a small but growing number of high-quality books are being
self-published at very affordable prices.
Comments are welcome here or on the blog. I would be especially interested
to learn of other examples of self-published books that are being used as
texts outside the authors' institutions.