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Re: [Phys-l] Bad physics in National park

That's so strange.
Who writes textbooks?
Who edits them?
Who checks for the accuracy?
And who cares about these things?

Forum for Physics Educators <> writes:
Yeah, but don't try to change textbooks, or encyclopedias. You may meet
with either a completely cold shoulder, or a polite reply that it will be
changed, but you know the request went into the circular file. It took
several years to get a change in the Information Please almanac.

And if you try to tell a teacher that the text is wrong they will often
rebuff you.

John M. Clement
Houston, TX


I would try to find the person responsible and speak with them.

I have worked on some people to change presentations on the web, video,
etc. In some cases I've met little resistance and had good luck, when
money was an issue I was rebuffed with "we'll fix it next time." If
someone's ego got squashed I was totally out of luck.

Making the effort at change is never a 'lost cause'. If we keep at it
long enough, we can make sure that everyone 'gets it right'.

Forum for Physics Educators