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Re: [Phys-l] Geometry, Energy, Entropy and the Evolution of the Hubble Parameter

The paper by Victor H. Cardenas of the University of Valparaisa in Chile
referenced below represents the core ideas of what I proposed in my earlier
post. . I just located this paper a few hours ago. I quote

Inflation as a Response to Protect the Holographic Principle ( Gr-qc
arXiv: 0908.0287v1)

In general, holography has been used mainly in an attempts to
adequately formulate the HP in cosmology. However, because the HP must be considered
a Universal principle of a higher status than inflation, in this work I
look for a solution to the problem considering a different point of view: an
attempt to derive inflation from the HP. This is so because we expect the
HP, to come from a (so far unknown) GUT theory, and then I will analyze if
this new point of view may constrain any inflationary model. From the
declaration of principles, it is clear that we do not find the current beliefs
very informative because inflation and the HP are considered (almost)
independent processes.

A first approach to this goal was presented in [25] where I proposed a
model where inflation emerges from the saturation of the HP in a closed FRW
universe. The analyze was made taken care of being thermodynamically
consistent, as was stressed in [22] in connection to the work of Rama[26]. Similar
thoughts has been suggested recently in [27]

In this work, I study a model where inflation can interpreted as a
response to protect the violation of the HP a la FS, taking care of the role of
the curvature, and considering the non-adiabatic process of re heating after
inflation. ...

At early times I found that an imminent violation of the HP forces the
system to saturate it through a period of exponential growth of the scale

End quote

The suggest that inflation rather than being an accident due to a scalar
field being in a slow roll state is really an inevitable outcome of any
causal patch of space fluctuating into geometry where K=1. This state is
unstable causing the inflation process to occur inflating the space to a saturated
entropy state. Of course the exact mechanism for this needs to be worked
out in detail, this paper by Cardenas is just such an attempt.

This scenario if correct has obvious implications for the question of Dark
Energy and the future evolution of the Universe.

Bob Zannelli


In a message dated 11/1/2009 5:13:00 PM Eastern Standard Time,
RBZannelli@AOL.COM writes:

I am reposting this with additions.

Geometry, Energy, Entropy and the Evolution of the Hubble Parameter

Holography and Cosmology
Where I "prove" closed Universes are impossible.
1) The Issue of the Curvature parameter K
As is well known there are three possible basic geometric conditions any
Universe based on the total positive energy density. It has been asserted
incorrectly that K, the normalized curvature parameter must be 1 in our
Universe and does not change. This assertion is based on a confusion between the
curvature parameters between what Tegmark calls levels of the multiverse.
In Tegmark's model there are four levels in the multiverse structure. These
Level 1
Beyond our Cosmic Horizon. These are the 1E26 Hubble Volumes in the Level 1
Multiverse. Our oown Universe is therefore 1E-26 of the space time
Level 2
Other post inflation Bubbles which are the natural result of inflationary
theory, the fundamental multiverse paradigm.
Level 3
Quantum Many Worlds
This is multiverse structure based on the Unitarity of the Quantum wave
function of the Universe. Support for this Unitarity for Quantum gravity
comes from the AdS/CFT correspondence
Level 4
Other Mathematical Universes. We will not be dealing in any way with the
existence of this layer of multiverse structure in this post. The existence
or non existence of this Multiverse structure is irrelevant for the points
made here.
At this point it might be well to mention that based on top down Quantum
cosmology levels 2 and 3 may in fact be the same level. This has been
asserted by Susskind where he writes
"The Many Worlds of Everett seems at first sight to be quite a different
conception than the eternally inflating mega-verse. However, I think the two
may really be the same thing. I have emphasized several times that Quantum
Mechanics is not a theory that predicts the future from the past, but
rather it determines the probabilities for the possible alternate outcomes of
an observation. These probabilities are summarized in the basic mathematical
object of Quantum mechanics - the wave function"
The Cosmic Landscape, String Theory and the Illusion of Design"
While this may well be true, this assertion also has no relevance for the
purpose of this post. I include it for completeness.
In any case, looking at this multiverse structure we can get a clearer
picture about how to think about K, the curvature parameter. When the
assertion is made that K is a constant as the Universe expands this refers to the
level 1 multiverse, the 1E26 Hubble volumes. With regard to each Hubble
volume since K/a^2 << H^2 we may correctly put K to zero in the Friedmann
equations. The inflation process inflates away curvature in each Hubble volume.
In addition , it should be mentioned, that concepts such as energy and
entropy are meaningless in describing the level 1 multiverse.
2) Geometry and Total Energy in the Universe(s)
. We will look at the three possible cases, K= -1, 0, and +1. I will
also briefly relate these energy conditions to the full set of solutions of
the relativistic equations. These are the physical solutions, Positive energy
flowing forward in time (matter) Negative energy flowing backward in time
(anti matter) and the two unphysical solutions Positive energy flowing
backward in time (negative anti matter) and negative energy flowing forward in
time (negative matter). This will related in passing to the BIVERSE model,
the creations of Universe in CPT inverse pairs as postulated by many
cosmological models such as Sakharov's Multisheet model, the Carroll Chen Model,
the Hawking Hartle no boundary model and Linde's twin Universe hypothesis.
We take a look at a simple calculation we can use to define the energy
condition of the Universe as a function of geometry. Based on the Friedmann
equations we have;
Rho_crit= 3*H^2/(8*pi*G)
Where, H is the Hubble parameter, G is the gravity constant and Rho_crit
is the critical density in a given Hubble Volume to achieve K=0, a Euclidean
Therefore here we have;
K=0 and Omega=1
Where K is the curvature parameter and Omega is the energy density
When we have K=1 we have a non Euclidean spherical metric where
Rho_Hubble > Rho Crit
And when we have K=-1 we have a non Euclidean hyperbolic metric where;
Rho_Hubble < Rho_Crit
Rho_crit= 3*H^2/(8*pi*G)
M_crit= Rho_crit*V_Hubble
V_hubble = 4*pi*R_Hubble^3/3
Since R_hubble = c/H
V_Hubble= 4*pi*c^3/(3*H^3)
M_crit= c^3/(2*H*G)
E_mass= SUM {all i} gamma_i*m_i*c^2
Here we are summing over all relativistic masses in the Hubble Volume.
However the negative gravitational energy must be included therefore
E_grav= - G*gamma_i*m_i*M_unv/ R_i
Given a homogenous and isotropic Universe we can set
R_i= c/(2*H)
E_unv = E_mass + E_grav = ( 1-Omega)*SUM {all i} gamma_i*m_i*c^2
E_unv= (1-Omega)*E_mass
K=-1 E_unv>0
K=0 E_unv =0
K=+! E_unv < 0
3) Geometry and Entropy
Now we can relate each of these geometric conditions to the Bekenstein
S_Bek= < 2*pi*R*E/(hbar*c) = A_Hubble/(4*L_plk^2)
Where S_Bek is the maximum entropy allowed, A_Hubble is the surface area of
the Hubble volume and L_plk is the Planck length.
S_Bek= pi*R^2*c^2/(hbar*G)
Rho_Bek( energy) = 3*H*c^2/(8*pi*G)
Rho_Bek(mass)= 3*H^2/(8*pi*G)
From this we can see that the critical mass energy density condition for
any Hubble Volume saturates the entropy of that volume based on the
Bekenstein Bound.
Looking at the Friedmann equations we can see that
Where a is the scale factor
For K= -1 E_unv>0 we have
Rho(mass) = 3*( H^2-c^2/a^2)
S_Hubble< S_Bek
For K=0 E_unv=0 we have
Rho(mass)= 3*H^2/(8*pi*G)
S_Hubble= S_Bek
For K=+1 E_unv < 0 we have
Rho(mass)= 3*(H^2+c^2/a^2)
S_Hubble> S_Bek
Therefore we find that for a closed Universe the Bekenstein bound is
violated for a given Hubble Volume. We can relate this to the BIVERSE model by
noting that K=1 is the unphysical relativistic solution, negative energy
flowing forward in time. ( and its CPT partner a positive energy Universe
flowing backward in time).
This fact was discovered in a more rigorous treatment by W. Fischler and
L. Susskind.
Holography and Cosmology
Authors: W. Fischler, L. Susskind
(Submitted on 4 Jun 1998 (v1), last revised 11 Jun 1998 (this version,
Abstract: A cosmological version of the holographic principle is proposed.
Various consequences are discussed including bounds on equation of state
and the requirement that the universe be infinite.
Fischler and Susskind write with regard to closed Universe K=1
"Depending on the equation of state, the bound will reached either while
the Universe is still growing, for example when the energy density is
dominated by the non relativistic matter or during recollaspse like in a
radiation dominated Universe. This seems to indicate that positively curved closed
Universes are inconsistent with the Holographic principle. We do not know
what new behavior sets in to accommodate the Holographic principle or if
this violation of the Holographic principle just excludes these Universes as
End quote.
Based on this I would offer the following conjecture.
Under the assumption that the creation of Universes is properly described
by the general inflationary paradigm the only Universes ever created are
zero energy Universes in which each Hubble volume saturates the Bekenstein
entropy bound. Strictly speaking open Universe without dark energy are not
precluded from existing based on this analysis. However, based on some string
theory formulations a non zero CC is needed to break SUSY. Therefore
assuming that the general Super String SUSY paradigm is correct we might
exclude such Universes from existing too. It might further be noted that this
postulated zero sum Energy conditions for the creations of Universes does not
violate energy conservation even when the "seed" energy needed to launch
inflation is included in the various BIVERSE models.
4) Evolution of the Hubble Parameter
Current cosmological observations do not allow anything more than a
conjecture about the future evolution of our Universe. But since the fundamental
conjecture that inspired this post is the existence of some deep connection
between the Zero Sum Universe, inflation, spatial flatness and Dark Energy
we shall carry this conjecture forward. The current equation of state for
Dark energy is bound between-1.48 and 0.72 with a mid value of-1.1 at the
95% confidence level. " Can We be Tricked into Thinking that W is less
than-1" Carroll, Felice and Trodden.
Therefore for the purpose of this post I will assume an equation of state
for Dark Energy equal to-1. Based on this we get the equations;
Rho_vac= 3*Omega_lambda*H^2/(8*pi*G)
Rho_mass= 3*(1-omega_lambda)*H^2/8*pi*G)
H= sqrt[ 8*pi*G*rho_vac/(3*omega_lambda)] = K_1/sqrt[omega_lambda]
H=sqrt[ 8*pi*G*rho_massc/(3*( 1-omega_lambda))] = K_2*(sqrt[
Based on these assumptions and current cosmological data the Hubble
parameter will evolves from its current value of 2.31E-18 to 1.94E-18 in 1E5 Byrs
or giving a change of 3.7E-33 % per year from its current value.
Of course based on the evidence this is only one possible scenario. In the
future I hope to expand on this conjecture by possibly incorporating the
inflation process into this scenario.
Bob Zannelli