In a message dated 11/29/2004 9:53:49 PM Eastern Standard Time,
heafnerj@CTC.NET writes:
Yes, I'm sure plenty of "highly qualified candidates" will be found. I
chuckle every month when I read the ads in the back of Physics Today.
The funniest ones are the ones that read, and I quote, "...teaching
experiences beyond PhD are preferred." and "Candidates ...should show
potential for superior teaching..." and my all time favorite,
"Candidates with a PhD in Physics are preferred, although candidates
with a Masters in Physics will receive consideration." We *all* know
what that means don't we? BTW, these quotes are from the December 2004
issue of Physics Today.
I applied for the position mentioned (at least I believe it is the same one).
I will be receiving my masters degree in physics this year from the same
university which posted the job opening so I am well known there. I was
encouraged to apply by several professors from the school who know me. I have an
excellent track record teaching at the high school and community college levels
(physics and calculus). I have received numerous "teacher of the year" and
other awards. Yet I was not even granted an interview even though it would have
cost them nothing since I live in the area. The top five candidates all had
Ph.D.s of course. Without having met these candidates I obviously have no idea,
but I bet I can teach at least as well if not better.
Now we have been through this on this list at least once before. I
understand that with 50 applicants for one position lines must be drawn and an obvious
one is throwing out people with masters degrees. Since I was personally
involved in this I feel more strongly (understandably, I hope) than others might.
But I honestly believe they made a mistake in not giving me a chance to pre
sent a sample lesson and answer their questions and interview with graduate and
undergraduate students like other candidates had.
By the way, although I am disappointed (this just happened about a week ago)
I am not harboring bitterness toward the school. I was still recommend my
high school students to go there and I will stay to finish my degree of course