I don't have that one, but I do have a great link to another train-re=
lated incident. Ever do the "pop can crush?" Here's the tank car cr=
ush. http://www.delta.edu/slime/cancrush.html =20
Vickie Frohne
=46rom: Forum for Physics Educators on behalf of Matt Harding
Sent: Thu 11/18/2004 2:04 PM
Subject: Train Collision Clip
Does anyone know of a website that has a video clip for the head on t=
rain collision which I believe happened in the 1930's at the Iowa Sta=
te Fair?(apparently using cars for a demolition derby had become pass=
=E9 at that point in time) I've seen it in the past used in commerci=
als on TV, but it's not on my cinema classics laser discs.
"An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes which can be made i=
n a very narrow field."
- Niels Bohr
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