[Phys-L] Modeling Workshops nationwide in physics:summer 2005
From: jane.jackson at ASU.EDU (Jane Jackson)
Date: Fri Dec 17 10:41:44 2004
Will you kindly forward this announcement to HS physics teachers whom you
know? Many teachers start planning their summer during the holidays.
Dec. 17, 2004
Modeling Workshops in high school physics and/or physical science will be
held in summer 2005 in Arizona, Florida, New York, and Wisconsin. Pending
funding, they will be held in Georgia, Ohio, Missouri, and Kansas too.
Visit <http://modeling.asu.edu> for details. Click on "Modeling Workshops
Nationwide in Summer 2005".
If you teach high school physics, you're invited to apply for FREE tuition,
FREE housing, and a stipend for these summer graduate courses at Arizona
State University in Tempe (a suburb of Phoenix).
Modeling Workshops in mechanics (June 13-July 1 or July 5-29)
Modeling Workshop in electricity (CASTLE and microscopic models)
Modeling Workshop in waves, light
Modeling Workshop in 9th grade phys sci (Jn13-July 1 or July 5-Aug2)
Energy & the Environment
Integrated Chemistry & Physics
Advanced Modeling Workshop
Leadership workshop
Teachers may want to enroll in these courses to earn credit towards
re-certification, or to pursue an interdisciplinary
Master of Natural Science degree (MNS). Take one course or many!
Modeling Workshops are peer-led. Modeling Instruction is the only high
school science program recognized by the U.S. Dept.of Education as
Courses are cutting-edge, yet practical; taught by ASU faculty and teams of
expert high school teachers.
Two summer terms: June 13-July 1, July 5 - Aug. 2, 2005.
Each summer, about 150 teachers (3/4 of whom don't have a degree in physics)
participate. They express high satisfaction!
They've said:
"I learned a tremendous amount and am all fired up to teach physics this fall!"
"I learned more about teaching and physics this summer than in 5 years of
"I LOVE this program!"
Visit <http://modeling.asu.edu> and scroll down to "ASU's graduate program..."
for details. Bookmark the website for future reference.
Download the APPLICATION FOR FINANCIAL SUPPORT if interested. Don't delay!
NSF funding for teachers is available in summer 2005, but not after that.
(We have good family housing, by the way; & inexpensive!)
Jane Jackson
Jane Jackson, Co-Director, Modeling Instruction Program
Box 871504, Dept.of Physics & Astronomy,ASU,Tempe,AZ 85287
480-965-8438/fax:965-7331 <http://modeling.asu.edu>
"Scientists explore the physical world for REPRODUCIBLE
PATTERNS, which they represent by MODELS and organize
into THEORIES according to LAWS." - David Hestenes