Scientists and students of science and even regular folks DO
regularly ask why questions which are answered by appeal to science.
Whether or not science provides answers to why questions is hardly
the interesting metaphysical question.
The question is whether there is any metaphysical necessity when one
event is said to cause another event or whether it is more a case of
constant conjunction as the 18th century Scottish philosopher, David
Hume, would have it.
Talk of causes is one thing but the metaphysical question is whether
or not causes actually operate 'out there' in the world.
Traditionally scientific explanation and philosophers of science have
avoided causes but more recently they are increasingly discussed and
believed to be a legitimate part of scientific explanation.
eric scerri
Dr. Eric Scerri ,
Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry,
607 Charles E. Young Drive East,
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1569