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[Phys-L] Faking It.

Interesting piece from a popular science report on line: "World-Science".

"157 re­search jour­nals ac­cept­ed for pub­lica­t­ion a spoofed sci­en­tif­ic re­port full of de­lib­er­ate non­sense---and most did so with lit­tle or no vet­ting, a "st­ing" ope­ra­t­ion has re­vealed.

"A cor­re­spond­ent for the sci­ence jour­nal and news mag­a­zine /Sci­ence/ sub­mit­ted the pa­pe­r to 304 jour­nals, of which more than half ac­cept­ed it, the cor­re­spond­ent, John Bo­han­non, re­ports in the cur­rent is­sue of /Sci­ence/.

"The tar­geted jour­nals were "o­pen ac­cess," a type that charges au­thors for pub­lica­t­ion rath­er than sub­sist­ing on sub­scrip­tion fees.

"The ranks of open-ac­cess jour­nals have swelled in the past dec­ade and, Bo­han­non ar­gues, now in­clude some clear bot­tom-feed­ers. Some of these both prey on le­git­i­mate sci­en­tists and, it now ap­pears, are will­ing to pub­lish non­sen­si­cal re­ports from non­ex­ist­ent sci­en­tists, he added.

"Act­ing in the name of a made-up sci­ent­ist from a made-up in­sti­tu­tion, Bo­han­non sub­mit­ted ver­sions of the fake pa­per, then with­drew them as soon as they were ac­cept­ed. The hoax pa­per claimed that a par­tic­u­lar mol­e­cule ex­tracted from li­chen slowed the growth of can­cer cells.

" "Any re­viewer with more than a high-school knowl­edge of chem­is­try and the abil­ity to un­der­stand a bas­ic da­ta plot should have spot­ted the pa­pe­r's short­com­ings im­me­di­ate­ly. Its ex­pe­ri­ments are so hope­lessly flawed that the re­sults are mean­ing­less," wrote Bo­han­non, who cre­at­ed the pa­pe­r in con­sulta­t­ion with real sci­en­tists."