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Re: Just what is a particle?

At 05:29 PM 2/17/00 -0600, Cliff Parker wrote:
Hugh Haskell wrote in an earlier post -- Photons are particles (not like
electrons or protons, but particles nevertheless)

Photons are not completely like protons, but not completely unlike, either.

I would like some discussion on this point as I try to clarify my thinking.
What characteristics are necessarily present in order to call something a
I have listed a few characteristics particles often seem to have and
thoughts about how each may apply to photons. Comments, clarifications,
disagreements, and instructions are hereby solicited.

1) Charge - No. Photons like neutrons and many other "particles" have no


2) Mass - No.
I guess photons are massless since they travel at the speed of
light. I don't really understand what this means however especially when
momentum and energy are considered.

Photons have no rest mass. In general, we have
E^2 = p^2 c^2 + m^2 c^4
where m is the rest mass. For photons and such, this reduces to
E = p c

3) Momentum - Yes. I understand that photons do have momentum.
Exactly what this means however is unclear to me.
It must not mean p = mv since photons have no mass.

For particles in the nearly-at-rest limit (p << mc) the foregoing equation
can be expanded to first order to give results tantamount to p=mv. Photons
are never in that limit.

4) Inertia - I am really baffled on this one. No mass means no inertia but
photons obey Newton's First Law. How can that be?

Newton's first law is tantamount to conservation of momentum. Photons have
momentum. That's all you need. See above.

5) Energy - Yes, they can cause change I suppose.
I used to be more sure of
this, but that was when I thought I understood what energy was.
After considering Leigh's thoughts and those of others I'm not
so sure anymore.

Photons have energy. No problem.

6) Something that is quantized - Perhaps a particle can be considered
anything that is quantized.

Maybe. That's one way of stating my item #2 below.

At 08:24 PM 2/17/00 -0500, Hugh Haskell wrote:
All points here well taken. I was not trying to make any definitive
statement about particles, just trying to differentiate them from
maxwellian waves, without letting them get mixed up with the
"ordinary" particles of everyday life.

Well, what you are trying to do is possible in practice, but it's not
possible in principle! In principle, there is no such thing as a wave as
distinct from a particle, or vice versa. There is only stuff. In some
limits, stuff acts like a classical wave. In other limits, stuff acts like
a classical particle. Note that I said "acts like" not "is".

Now, in practice, we can tell the difference between microwaves and pinto
beans. The differences include the following:

#1b) At ordinary temperatures, the thermal deBroglie wavelength of the bean
is much less than the size of the bean. Therefore we never see diffraction
of beans. However, there exists a temperature (an exceedingly low
temperature) at which bean diffraction must, in principle, occur.

#1m) At ordinary temperatures, microwaves diffract.


#2b) At ordinary temperatures, the thermal energy of the bean is much less
than its rest mass. Therefore we never see spontaneous bean-antibean pair

Even protons are not spontaneously produced at ordinary
temperatures. Unlike beans, though, there is a temperature that is high
enough to produce protons yet not high enough to decompose them into

#2m) At ordinary temperatures, an ordinary-sized box has a very high
occupation number in each of a multitude of microwave modes. Note that h/k
is 21 GHz per Kelvin. That means that the microwaves' particle properties
are mostly washed out by the law of large numbers. However, if we consider
lower temperatures, smaller boxes, and/or higher modes, eventually the
particle properties will become noticeable.