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Re: [Phys-L] Bayesian Inference in Half-Life measurement

Take 2: This time I compute the posterior probability over a 2d mesh of
points for the half-life (tau) and for No (the initial number of atoms) and
then integrate over No to get a one-dimensional pdf for tau alone. The
code is not particularly efficient, but I think it illustrates the
essential ideas.

tau_true = 52*60*60; % half life of neutron activated copper in seconds
No = 1e6; % 1 million radioactive atoms at t0 = 0

% all times are in seconds
t1 = 0; dt1 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t1
t2 = 24*60^2; dt2 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t2
t3 = 48*60^2; dt3 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t3

% generate synthetic data
c1 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t1/tau_true)*dt1/tau_true )
c2 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t2/tau_true)*dt2/tau_true )
c3 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t3/tau_true)*dt3/tau_true )

% Now pretend we don't know tau and want to use Bayes' theorem to estimate
% prob(c) = mu^c*exp(-mu)/c!
% log likelihood function for one of the c's (+ an irrelevant constant that
doesn't depend on tau )
ll = @(tau,No,c,t,dt) c * log( log(2)*No.*exp(-log(2)*t./tau)*dt./tau ) -
% log likelihood for the full data set
% The joint probability factors because the probabilities for the counts
*conditioned on tau* are indpendent
% so the log likelihood for the full data set is given by the sum of the
individual log likelihoods
LL = @(tau,No) ll(tau,No,c1,t1,dt1) + ll(tau,No,c2,t2,dt2) +
% For tau, I'm playing dumb and assumign the only thing I know is that tau
is a
% positive number in practice I could use a more informative prior,
% but if I collect even a moderate amound of good data the prior won't
% matter much
% For No, I will assume a flat prior between 1e3 and 1e9 atoms

% prior: prob(log(tau),No) = constant ==> prob(tau,No) propto 1/tau
lp = @(tau,No) 1./tau; % log prior (not normalized!)
% log posterior
LP = @(tau,No) LL(tau,No)+lp(tau,No); % log posterior + constant

% now make a plot of the posterior
tau = linspace(1.5e5,2.5e5,100); % s
No = linspace(1e3,1e9,100); % initial number of atoms
[TAU,N] = meshgrid(tau,No);
dtau = tau(2)-tau(1);
dN = No(2)-No(1);
P = 0*TAU;
P(:) = exp(LP(TAU(:),N(:))-max(LP(TAU(:),N(:)))); % prevent overflow
Z = sum(P(:)*dtau*dN); % normalization
P = P/Z; %normalized posterior

%Now marginalize out N
P = sum(P,1)*dN;
xlabel('half-life in minutes');
ylabel('marginal posterior probability density (1/minutes)');

% compute the mean of the posterior
tau_hat = trapz(tau,P.*tau);
% compute the variance of the posterior
sig2 = trapz(tau,P.*(tau-tau_hat).^2);
% print the result
fprintf('tau = %f +/- %f minutes \n',tau_hat/60,sqrt(sig2)/60)

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 11:35 PM Francois Primeau <> wrote:

Oops! My solution is no good because my log-likelihood function uses, No,
the number of radioactive atoms in the sample at time t = 0. For the
correct Baysian solution, I will have to find the joint posterior
probability for the half-life and for, No, and then marginalize out No,
i.e. integrate over No to get a univariate posterior probability for tau
stay tuned. :-)

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 11:30 PM Francois Primeau <>

I'm assuming the problem is to estimate the half-life of a sample given
count data taken at different times. To be concrete I'm going to assume
that you have counts, c1, c2, and c3 taken at times t1, t2, and t3. Also,
I'm going to assume that the counting was done for 10 minutes, so
dt1=dt2=dt3 = 10*60 seconds. I'm going to assume that the error in the
data is negligible and that only the Poisson statistics matter. The Matlab
code and the comments in it explain the solution. The code starts off by
generating synthetic data and then using the synthetic data to estimate the

The Bayesian solution (given in Matlab code) is the following:

tau_true = 52*60*60; % half-life of neutron activated copper in seconds
No = 1e6; % 1 million radioactive atoms at t0 = 0

% all times are in seconds
t1 = 0; dt1 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t1
t2 = 24*60^2; dt2 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t2
t3 = 48*60^2; dt3 = 10*60; % count for 10 minutes at t3

% generate synthetic data
c1 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t1/tau_true)*dt1/tau_true )
c2 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t2/tau_true)*dt2/tau_true )
c3 = poissrnd( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t3/tau_true)*dt3/tau_true )

% Now pretend we don't know tau and want to use Bayes' theorem to
estimate it
% Poisson probability function: prob(c) = mu^c*exp(-mu)/c!
% log likelihood function for one of the c's (+ an irrelevant constant
that doesn't depend on tau )
ll = @(tau,c,t,dt) c * log( log(2)*No*exp(-log(2)*t./tau)*dt./tau ) -

% The joint probability factors because the probabilities for the counts
*conditioned on tau* are independent
% so the log-likelihood for the full data set is given by the sum of the
individual log-likelihoods
% log-likelihood for the full data set:
LL = @(tau) ll(tau,c1,t1,dt1) + ll(tau,c2,t2,dt2) + ll(tau,c3,t3,dt3);

% I'm playing dumb and assuming the only thing I know is that tau is a
% positive number. In practice, I could use a more informative prior,
% but if I collect even a moderate amount of good data, then the prior
% matter much.
% prior: prob(log(tau)) = constant ==> prob(tau) propto 1/tau
lp = @(tau) 1./tau; % log prior (not normalized!)

% log posterior from Bayes' Theorem (not normalized so there is a missing
LP = @(tau) LL(tau)+lp(tau);

% now make a plot of the posterior
tau = linspace(1.5e5,2.5e5,100); % s
P = exp(LP(tau)-max(LP(tau))); % prevent overflow
Z = trapz(tau,P); % normalization
P = P/Z; %normalized posterior
plot(tau/60,P*60); grid on
xlabel('half life (minutes)')
ylabel('probability density (1/minutes)')
% the plot shows a nice bell shaped posterior
%so the mean and variance will provide a good summary of the posterior

% compute the mean of the posterior
tau_hat = trapz(tau,P.*tau);
% compute the variance of the posterior
sig2 = trapz(tau,P.*(tau-tau_hat).^2);
% print the result
fprintf('tau = %f +/- %f minutes \n',tau_hat/60,sqrt(sig2)/60)

On Tue, Sep 21, 2021 at 10:29 AM Paul Nord <> wrote:

That title doesn't google well. It seems like there should be a good
reference for this. The best I've got is David MacKay's code here:
Translated into python below.

Two questions:
1. If we record the number of counts observed with a geiger tube at
discrete periods within the decay, is this approach still valid? Say
I've got a sample with a 52 hour half life. I come back about once a
fire up the good old geiger tube and measure the activity for 10 minutes.
Can I just use that number of counts as the power of a probability
to multiply through here?

2. Will this give me a good result if I'm extracting multiple decay
from the same data?

The half lives of neutron activated copper is the experiment, actually.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import numpy as np

import math

a = 1.0

b = 20.0

def p(x,l):

val = math.exp( -x/l ) / Z(l)/l

return val

def Z(l):

val = math.exp( -a/l) - math.exp(-b/l)

return val

def like(l):

return p(3,l) * p(5,l) * p(12,l)

t1 = np.arange(0.01,1000.0,.1)

fig,axs = plt.subplots(2)



axs[0].plot(t1,[p(3,x) for x in t1])

axs[0].plot(t1,[p(5,x) for x in t1])

axs[0].plot(t1,[p(12,x) for x in t1])

axs[1].plot(t1,[like(x) for x in t1])
Forum for Physics Educators

Professor of Earth System Science
Rm 3224 Croul Hall
University of California, Irvine

Professor of Earth System Science
Rm 3224 Croul Hall
University of California, Irvine

Professor of Earth System Science
Rm 3224 Croul Hall
University of California, Irvine