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(Did you miss the last paragraph from the same source?) "Meanwhile, other environmental indicators of climate change—melting ice in Greenland, the retreat of Arctic sea ice, global sea level rise—continue to send a clear signal that Earth is still warming. Over the coming century, human-caused warming will continue, with natural variability periodically speeding up or slowing down the pace from decade to decade."
Also, the latest update in the very beginning clearly changes the paper's main thesis of slow down in warming which used data up to 2012.
Conclusion: they are not "lying",; just needed clarification and an update to state that warming continued during the period in question, and is continuing to do so to the present. The ocean warming trends clearly demonstrate this up to earlier dates and that will probably be updated soon as well.
On Dec 25, 2015, at 1:40 PM, Richard Tarara wrote:
Might want to look at something like this before calling anyone liars......_______________________________________________
Richard Tarara
Professor Emeritus
Saint Mary's College
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