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From: "Abbott, David S." <abbottds@BUFFALOSTATE.EDU>
Subject: BS/BA Physics Programs geared to under-prepared students?
Date: December 3, 2015 at 3:01:59 PM EST
Reply-To: "RPE: Researchers in Physics Education" <YOUNGPER@LISTS.MAINE.EDU>
I am looking for examples of BA/BS in Physics programs that are designed to meet the needs of under-prepared students. Our BA/BS Physics programs require students to pass Calc I before taking any course that counts toward the BA/BS- there's a distinct possibility we are losing viable majors before they ever take physics. Have other departments tackled this issue? What have they done?
David Abbott, Ph.D.
Instructional Support Specialist, Physics Department
Buffalo State College
479 Science Building
1300 Elmwood Ave
Buffalo NY 14222