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Re: [Phys-l] hypothesis testing +- real science

Rumor around here is that hypothesis testing as "the scientific method"
originated with the biologists, partly as a way to move them away from
nothing more than taxonomists. In order for biology to gain the
stature of chemistry and physics they needed to do more experiments,
more theories, and do more experiments to substantiate the theories.

This certainly jibes with what I have observed in the literature.
Biologists do seem to embrace it more. But I have also read (where?) that
the 5 step method originated with Francis Bacon, a Shakespeare contemporary
and minor scientist. I tried some little research on the web and found no
evidence to support this. But I have also noted that mathematicians tend to
support the 5 step method. I suspect it was invented at least before 1800,
but I could be mistaken.

If you type it in as a search term, you get a google of hits, mostly to
teachers sites promoting it.

Does anyone have a definite reference to who might have first declared the 5
step method?

John M. Clement
Houston, TX