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[Phys-L] Re: Google: Was: Re: Slow list?

[Original Message]

Superficially this appears a good idea. However, (remember it's bc's
memory) google is known to cooperate w/ govt(s) in censoring,
cooperating w/ a more authoritarian govt., etc. I think Dan's list is
more immune from (to?) this. Returning to the original subject, are we
certain the problem is w/ the list and not w/ each of our servers and
locations? I agree it would be "nice" to be able to use HTML; perhaps
Dan will organize this eventually.

bc, not that put out by slowness, etc.

Wow--I think I saw a movie about B.C. a while back--starred Mel Gibson and
Julia Roberts. Might the ghost of Senator McCarthy (and that's not Eugene)
be peering over BC's shoulder? ;-)
