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Re: [Phys-l] Draft of new international climate report warns of droughts, sta...

At 05:39 AM 3/12/2007, Bob Zannelli, you wrote:

So this is the considered review of the Saskatoon Star Phoenix of an
AP draft report
as to what world scientists will say next month in Belgium?
Who better to spread the word!
Brian Whatcott

Does this mean you will take the report seriously? Or will you be sticking
with the Exxon Mobile crowd? Who better to trust?

Bob Zannelli

That's a tough one,Bob. I prefer to take no one on trust.
For example, here's something else in the same genre:

The Chilling Stars by Henrik Svensmark
a book co production with Nigel Calder, a science journalist,
and one time editor of New Scientist.

I think Nigel was invited to leave that job when he wrote up
telepathy or telekinesis or some such in NS.
Don't remember the details now.

Svensmark has an interesting hypothesis: that cosmic rays stimulate
cloud formation. That's a supposition that I don't suppose a physicist
would care to refute - at least not on the small scale: it is the prime
mover for cloud chambers in particle accelerators.

Brian Whatcott Altus OK Eureka!