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Distance Learning Materials

it is possible you have some interest in distance learning materials.
If so this note from GNA may be of interest.
If not, I apologize in advance.

Whatcott Altus

Globewide Network Academy Distance Learning Catalog
Home phone: +1 512 478 2771
1998 March 20

Hi folks,

I was starting to put together a GNA newsletter for March, but after
thinking about it, I figured that it would be much faster and simpler
if instead of a newsletter, I just wrote down in stream of
consciousness style what's going on at GNA.

First of all, we've reorganized our home page, and it should be
simpler to find things. In particular, we've put all our downloadable
software on a GNA Laboratories page. Also, following the lead of
Netscape, we would like to release all our software under the terms of
the GNU Public License. Right now the only thing that is holding us
back is the mechanical process of changing all of the copyright
notices. So if anyone out there wants our software, and is willing to
spend a few hours editing the files to change the copyrights, let me
know, and I'll get you access to our machines.

Some other items:

* We are making a particular effort to make our catalog data up to
date. In particular, we can e-mail you a catalog dump of the courses
that your institution lists in the database for you to correct.

* We are now doing special cataloging projects. For example, one of
the projects that we are working on is to create a version of the GNA
catalog that includes only the courses from a certain state community
college system. We are doing this on a "no-risk" basis, which means
that we set up your virtual catalog, and you only pay if and when you
are satisfied with our pages.

* We are still accepting banner ads. Our search engine now lets you
buy a word for US$30/word/month.

One other thing, right now the information from our survey forms are
going into a database that currently has 200 names. Now, I'm sure
that this information would be useful to someone, but we aren't sure
what to do with this. If there is anyone out there with some
suggestions, let me know.

Finally, although we are working to make GNA financially
self-sustaining, most of the jobs (including my own) are still
volunteer ones. If you would like something to do, just e-mail me or
show up at our Saturday worksessions, and we'll find something for

See you later,

Joseph Wang
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Globewide Network Academy (

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